After providing the password, a remote session is established.This can also be specified using the Registry, in the HKLM\Software\RealVNC\vncserver key. 0 RC1 latest updated, via KRDC server and client, IF it's added the xdg-desktop-portal. Now open the VNC Viewer application and enter the IP Address of the TigerVNC Server. However the high resolution made vnc fonts and UI really small and hard to read. Puppy Linux is a lightweight Linux distribution that can be run from a USB flash drive or CD. bucky 40 blinks no Tigervnc server is now using *systemd* and the setup has completely changed. I try to start it with vncviewer -via It says Tigervnc: and then asks for my passphrase when I close out it says connected to localhost port xxxx channel 3 open failed: connection refused.